The Oatmeal and The House Fire

The Oatmeal was always a funny, geeky comic but then it started telling longer, often more personal stories in these large, slightly meandering, giant panels displayed vertically, like the story of Tesla. I love how the unusual format adds to the storytelling. I never know quite where he is going, the size of the panels … Read more

Goodies for bunny

Bunny has an upper respiratory infection, or ‘snuffles’ as it is known. His eyes water and he sneezes repeatedly. He won’t die from it, but it flares up from time to time. I took him to the vets for a check up. When I asked the vet if it’s because I left him alone for … Read more

Things I do when I have too much time on my hands

a broken keyboard with keys out of place

Ahoy, and seasonal greetings to you, blog chums. It’s a Saturday and I find myself at my office, whimsically fiddling with my computers. I have had more than enough of holidays by now. What’s left? Another movie, another chocolate, another sweet and sticky mulled apple cider?

I can’t take any more. So, instead of wandering the streets, or making endless OCD systems for backing up my data, I thought I’d say Hi to you, and share my list of Things I Do When I Have Too Much Time On My Hands.

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The Death Star Tea Infuser

Beautiful. I used to find tea infusers a bit creepy. Something to do with a fear of metal objects tainting the purity of the ceramic mug. However this item would bring me joy to see bobbing in my tea. (via Wish List: Good-Looking Gifts for the Design Nerd.)