Playing doctors and nurses


Highly amused. I live with an app developer who is writing home health monitoring software and we got a delivery of measurement devices today. We’ve been recording each other’s temperature and blood pressure with the above kit, and beeping it to an NFC reading device. Finally I have discovered what “eighty over fifty!” means when exclaimed in a hospital drama by looking up a blood pressure table.

Twenty thirteen road test

The nice thing about this blog is that I don’t feel too precious about it. Hence I’ve switched over to the new WordPress Twenty Thirteen default theme, to see how it handles. Besides don’t people just read blogs with an RSS reader? Apparently not from the death of Google reader, which hugely surprised me. The … Read more

Skube, a desktop radio for discovery

Skube is a cute wee desktop device that connects to wirelessly via your computer, and then gets Spotify to play your playlists and favourite radio stations. Sadly it’s only in prototype right now. Lovely video, and that sugary pop tune is by Kirsten and Marie (also at and is called My Dear. Aw!

An iA3 WordPress child theme

I very much enjoy my minimalist theme made by the lovely people at iA3, and have recently discovered that I share it with none other than Slyvester Stallone. I’m in good company, I think you’ll agree.

iA3 sell the theme with the proviso that it’s priced reasonably because they aren’t going to hand hold non-technical WordPress users. It’s not what they love to do. This post is some hacks I’ve added to get it the way I like it.

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Triffid gets WordPress’d

Welcome to the new site. I’m very excited to rationalise a site that has suffered with age and become rather raggedy. It’s been pointed out to me by friends however, that there lay some of triffid’s charm, so I’m hoping to re-instate the silly along with the rather shinier, streamlined design. There are lots … Read more