Pixel art to your command line

Love this. Use a terminal to cURL a url and it returns an ANSI escape code render of the top google image search result. curl ihmage.com/dog curl ihmage.com/flower curl ihmage.com/anything curl ihmage.com/Whatever%20You%20Want! And a picture of one of my less offensive attempts.

Mid-life Crisis Adventure

Hello again. I’m currently gearing up for another odyssey to the USA. It’s been too long (as one of my readers noted) so I’m heading out to the USA in April to see some friends and have an adventure. First up is possibly my most visited US city, San Francisco. I’m using sites such as … Read more

The colours of Breaking Bad

Infographic: Colorizing Walter White’s Decay. Fascinating post about the costume colours of the main characters of Breaking Bad throughout the show’s multiseason run. After Walt’s cancer diagnosis, his colors become stronger, and eventually go black. When the cancer returns or when he’s defeated, the drab khaki returns. The closer he gets to Gus, and the … Read more

Playing doctors and nurses


Highly amused. I live with an app developer who is writing home health monitoring software and we got a delivery of measurement devices today. We’ve been recording each other’s temperature and blood pressure with the above kit, and beeping it to an NFC reading device. Finally I have discovered what “eighty over fifty!” means when exclaimed in a hospital drama by looking up a blood pressure table.